Airport City Wiki
Long-Awaited Mail

Event Host

Event Description

Mail plane has dropped its precious cargo near Airport City. Now you'll need to collect the lost mail, deliver Letters of Hope to their destinations and build a Post Office. You'll need a special bonus to land Mail guest planes as well.


Item Sets



  1. Visit your neighbors and collect Stationery Knives by selecting the Lost Mail around their cities.
  2. Use the Stationery Knives collected from your neighbors or by purchasing a Large Mailbag item set to pick up Lost Mail around your city.
  3. Receive Express Delivery collection items from Lost Mail around your city by purchasing an Extra Valuable Cargo item set.
  4. Receive a Golden Postage Stamp bonus by complete the Express Delivery collection. Complete the collection at least four times.
  5. Activate the required number of Golden Postage Stamp bonuses until you land at least twenty Mail Planes at your airport.
  6. Purchase a Post Office from the store and complete its construction with items received from flights to Cyprus, Malta, Rome, Dubai, Shanghai or Berlin, or received as gifts from your neighbors.
  7. Collect items for the You've Got Mail collection from the Post Office, by flying to Long-Awaited Mail Flights, or by purchasing an Extra Valuable Cargo item set.
  8. Flights to Fiji, Madagascar and Easter Island required Letters of Hope, which may be received from Lost Mail around your city, a Post Office or from a Large Mailbag item set.
  9. Complete the You've Got Mail collection four times to receive a Mail Kiosk.